Humpback Whale - died at Sea- checking the poor whale out

Between Long Beach and Ocean Park... near Klipsan Beach. It has been dead a while... judging from the bloating and smell. The whale is 54 feet long.

This amazing sight of the Humpback Whale gave us an up close look. Very incredible.

I have to confess that I was more excited about checking out the H3 that was also there... asking the owner about the vehicle...about how he likes the car. I think I might have to trade in the Landrover... esp since it is giving us such problems.

The Humpback had many barnacles... the poor critters attached were out of their shells trying to get back into the water.

Note- some neighbors have told me that if I get a Hummer- they would picket my house. haha!


The town of Steilacoom, WA was established in 1857. We drove around and looked at the old historic homes. I loved the scarecrows! Many homes and businesses had scarecrows and fall/halloween decorations up.

Tomorrow is their famous Apple Squeeze.

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Next day in Seattle

Before leaving town the next morning- we stopped by Second Use to look for a front door or anything else our 101 yr old home couldn't live without.  Posted by Picasa

Night life in Raymond- the north end of Pacific County

A night out for meeting folks. Here we are at the Raymond VFW for Gretchen's fundraiser- then Ryan Harriman took us to the Raymond Elks. Ex-mayor of Raymond, Hawk Runyon posed for a photo with us.

We had to skee-daddle before the Karaoke guys made us sing. Only to find more Karaoke at the Elks.

Happy Birthday to Vi!

My mom, Vianna, celebrates her birthday today. The flowers arrived as I was on the phone wishing her Happy Birthday. Perfect timing. So sorry I couldn't be there in person. Dad sent the photo.. a great way to share.

Clam Shell Railroad Car

Brett keeps thinking about purchasing this 100 yr old railroad car. It is one of the original Clam Shell Railroad cars... that used to travel up the street in front of our house. Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday to Madison

I was in Vancouver on Madison's birthday. We raised a toast to him... Happy #23 Madison!

Madison is in Nova Scotia... on tour with The Stones. We are at Beaches- in Vancouver on the Columbia River. Aura and Marianna joined me- for the late night happy hour.
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Talk Like a Pirate Day

Sept. 19th sneaks up on me ... just like a pirate would. It is "Talk Like a Pirate Day". Here is a link to get some help with pirate speak.

This painting is from Don Nesbitt. Here is the link to his gallery in Ilwaco. We have a number of his paintings.

Sept 19th this year is also Washington State's Primary Election Day.

The other important thing about today is that it means Madison's birthday is 2 days away. And Vi's birthday is 6 days away. (and Doug's birthday was 3 days ago). Posted by Picasa

First off- Dad - I know these are bad cell phone photos. Life happens and you don't always carry a camera.

Our cat, Calypso, has deer friends. The young ones like to check out the tents before any of our events. Here by the wood pile- Brett is watching a curious visitor who is investigating a few minutes before the cars start arriving.

We miss our friends in Seattle. The Pierce family kids are growing up fast. I stopped by in August and Evan showed off his fancy guitar that he is taking lessons on.

Astoria, Oregon has a Sunday farmers market thru Sept. One bright Sunday morning- Brett and I were delighted to stumble upon the Naselle Mirimba Band playing at the local Lutheran Church. Their music filled the streets. It reminded me of Doug and Gail's wedding.

Our surprise candidate, Gretchen Sagen, is a bundle of energy with tons of volunteers and activities.
She held a fundraiser at the Raymond VFW.

Last Parade of the Season- South Bend

The 44th annual- "Come and Play on Labor Day" Parade was Sunday in South Bend.

Waiting 3 hours for the parade- after lineup- was LONNNNGGGG. Then we marched through town throwing handfulls of candy.

Gretchen had over 34 volunteers, Ryan had 42 volunteers.

We had 8 (yes, 8!) GOP entries in the parade. This is amazing- considering we usually have ZERO!

The parade had over 75 entries total.
Marching Bands, clowns, political candidates, service groups, sunday school classes and veterans.

Making Clam Chowder for Thousands!

On Friday, I spent the day prep cooking Clam Chowder, Baked Beans and Cole Slaw for the Sports Boosters...who have a concession booth at the big Long Beach Kite Festival.

They sell tons of salmon/tuna dinners to the tourists. The funds go to support local sports efforts for the Jr and Sr High Schools. We will be working the booth on Thursday. Posted by Picasa

Paella at Doug and Gail's House

Graydon is out from New York to help with construction. I cooked a oyster and Paella feast- not pictured are Doug, Gail, Saren, McKenzie, me, Ryan, lets see... a few others too.

I need a giant official Paella pan!

Sutinen family comes to visit

We had some great company on Sunday night. Tim and Darlene Sutinen brought the kids and some fresh Tuna for the grill. What a treat!
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Night in Paris- The Ilwaco Art Walk

Brett and I ran into the Art Walk on Thursday night. Here the guys are at Nautical Brass. (Russell is a co-owner of the Inn at Harbour Village, plus a number of other stores in Long Beach) Posted by Picasa