Natalie and her boat

Aura and I were in Seattle for a McGavick meeting. We stayed overnight with Natalie and Kyler on her boat!

Then we had coffee and breakfast the next morning before heading home. Posted by Picasa

Pihlaja and the fox

A guy from Longview has entered the race for the State Legislative spot. His name is Tim Sutinen.

Tim is the example of what America is all about. He immigrated here 14 yrs ago with only the clothes on his back and a $2K loan. He has a very successful IT business with employees, 8 kids (yikes, he is only 37) and lots of energy and enthusiasm. He has SISU!

Here is the email he sent to me today.

I really like that Pihlaja name.
That is very, very nice.
It reminds me of the beautiful Pihlaja trees full of orange berries in the fall (They don't taste good, though...)

There are even Pihlaja - brand candy in Finland. It's my favorite. It's a jelly candy with a fox on the wrapper. The fox is there because of a saying in Finnish that talks about Pihlaja and a fox.

It goes like this: A fox was trying to get something to eat and came upon a pihlaja tree. He couldn't reach those berries, but really wanted them. In his disappointment he said "They are sour anyways".

So, if you hear a finn say: "sour, said a fox about pihlaja berries" they mean that they really wanted to get something, but couldn't quite manage to get it. (my note- so they justified that they didnt really want that sour thing anyway)

Sea Resources Volunteer Open House

I am a board member of Sea Resources. We held a successful open house to increase interest in our projects.

While we are an educational historic salmon hatchery and botanical trail, the Peregrine Falcon Mom and her 2 babies learning to fly... are a bonus in the tree.
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In Kentucky

Water without hydrogen would warrant warnings

Signs at park air phony hazard
By James Bruggers
The Courier-Journal

The signs at the cascading pools in Waterfront Park are meant to frighten: They proclaim in bold letters, "danger" and "high levels of hydrogen."
But the warnings are bogus.

The water in the fountain pools is, like all water, made of two-thirds hydrogen atoms and one-third oxygen atoms.
And as any chemistry student can tell you, there is no health threat from coming into contact with H20.
David Karem, the Waterfront Development Corp.'s executive director, had the signs made to try to keep people out of the water after health officials raised concerns about bacteria in the fountains last year.
However, tests this year show the fountains meeting swimming pool standards.
Karem said he was counting on a lack of understanding about water's chemical makeup, and he thought that suggesting a link to one of the world's most dangerous weapons -- the hydrogen bomb -- might keep them from jumping in.
"I thought that with the word … maybe people would not go there," he said.

Seaview Open Mike

I am still looking for more photos of the event. I was too busy to photo. The rain stopped just in time for Mike to step out where the crowd could see him. Posted by Picasa

Open Mike in Cathlamet

Aura did an amazing job getting people to turn out for the event in Cathlamet at the little Port.

I cooked over 100 hot dogs and hamburgers! Posted by Picasa

Stop at Rosburg Store

On the way to Cathlamet, we stopped at Mike Swanson's store. He gathered about 18 people around the gas pump for an old fashioned political stop. Posted by Picasa

Open Mike at our house, then a tour of the Dunes

I am expecting to get more photos of the event at our house.

The next morning, Kathleen Sayce took a small group on a tour of the Seaview Dunes.

You can read Mike McGavick's blog and posting of his time here at Be sure to click on the Blog and scroll down to read all 3 entries of Pacific and Wahkiakum County events. Posted by Picasa