Trojan Cooling Tower Implode

My brother, Doug, and his family viewed the implosion from their sailboat on the Columbia. I watched on tv. We called each other and listened on the cell phones.

I was too late to get Madison in action with his winch...removing the old rose bush.

Painting The Depot

When they aren't working on our house, the girls are painting The Depot. Here they are getting the terrace ready for the summer opening.

Kids are home

Burger Night at The Depot with the kids. Madison arrived with his friend, Elizabeth... Paris just flew in from Michigan for a month (summer break) and Aura is adjusting to life back from Morocco.

Loyalty Day Parade

Brett was actually my 'driver'. It poured rain just prior to the parade! But cleared up just in the nick of time.

There were over 120 entries... many very nice marching bands that traveled a great distance.

Long Beach Loyalty Day Honor Dinner

County Commissioner Candidate Ryan Harriman, Aura (back from Morocco), Ed and his Mom, me, Commissioner Pat Hamilton and Brett.

JR Bellison (who gave me a beautiful opal elephant pendant to match my earrings!), Andrea Macilko and Laura Collins.

Madison's first marital arts tournament.

Madison participated in his first marital arts tournament this weekend.

He came in 2nd in the Heavy Weight Division... after a sudden death one point.

It is very inspiring to see him do so well in such time. Posted by Picasa

Brett's first clam bounty. Only a few broken shells. Now he has to clean them.