Our neighbor and area physician, Dr. Jeff Maple, invited Brett out to correct this obvious flaw. So Brett purchased his clam license last week and marked his calendar.
The low tide is at 8:38am today. At 6:40am... Jeff arrives. Startled, Brett says "He's early". I reply, "honey, this is the only time people around here take seriously... of course he arrived early."
Brett fussed with which coat to wear... (took one too light for the drizzle, in my opinion) and stared at the display of clam guns and bags I had set out. He reached for the 'whimpiest' of guns. I stopped him. "the tall white one with duct tape padded handles is Vi's gun. That is the lucky one." Jeff agreed with me... take that one.
They went off (I stayed home to prepare for my women's event honoring our county commissioner today). 20 minutes later, Brett rushed back .... red cheeked... "what a rookie, I forgot my license". Some discussion followed as he refused my advice to pin it within a ziplock baggie... on the outside of his jacket. I also realized, much as I would like to dig this morning... it is better left to the doctor to break Brett in...man to man... digging clams. I have learned there are some things... wives are not meant to do.