Lincoln Day Dinner

Annual Republican Lincoln Day Dinner Held in South Bend

On Saturday, Pacific County Republicans gathered in South Bend for their annual Lincoln Day Dinner, where they heard from seven candidates seeking office. Bob Ryan, Pacific County Chair was the master of ceremonies to the crowd of 140. Ryan Harriman who is seeking County Commissioner #3 position gave an energetic speech outlining his platform. He was followed by Daniel Williams who is running against Brian Baird and five judicial candidates; Brent Boger and Joel Penoyar for Court of Appeals, Mike Sullivan and Mike Turner for Pacific County Superior Court Judge and Senator Steve Johnson (R-Kent) for State Supreme Court.

Long time South Bend community leader Vince Shaudys was given the Reagan Award for his lifetime of commitment to Republican causes, and Seaview resident Nan Malin was awarded the Republican of the Year honor.

Mike McGavick, candidate for US Senate closed the evening with a well-received down to earth speech. The audience chuckled when Mike said that he has been to many of these functions, but it was the first time he heard a prayer for “gumption” referring to Kendall From’s invocation. He confirmed how his conviction to three core principles (strong national defense, family values, capitalism and free markets) guides his decision making on policy issues, and outlined what his experience will bring to the Senate. He stressed the importance of protecting the environment without sacrificing jobs.

Snow in March!

We never have snow. This morning we woke to a pretty sight. I took a short walk around the block with my camera. Enjoy the photos.
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Our front yard. The steam locomotive (Clam Shell Railroad) ran right here.
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Our home was built in 1905. The owner was TC Elliot of Walla Walla.
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MR Data Corp's world-wide headquarters. Evonne is busy working away.
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The Depot Restaurant. Built in 1905 by Stout's son-in-law, Charles Beaver. He built our home that same year. This is the original Seaview Railroad Depot building.
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The Collie House, built in 1894.

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Mary Alice lives here. It was built in 1926 by her in-laws...the Neales of Walla Walla. The original lumber came from a schooner ship wreck.

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The Horner House, built by the Dukheimers.
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The Sou'wester Lodge. Summer home to Senator Corbett of Oregon, built 1896.
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A "Doodle" named Kismet

Doug, Gail and Saren have a new member of their family. 'Big sister' Tish (Saren's dog) keeps Kismet in line. The day after my lasik, I got to hold this 10 week old cutie. I discovered this is the new designer dog. A cross of two pure breds... a labrador and a poodle.

The Miracle of Lasik!

After more than 40 years wearing glasses/contacts....I have 20/15 vision! A true miracle!! (yes, I still wear reading glasses...but after a year, I could have that fixed too!)

A little excitement for Brett's Birthday

The wind really blew last night and we woke to no power in Seaview.

Shortly after Brett left for the office, a tree limb came down on the power line to the house and over my car.

You can see the meter was pulled out of the wall. Everything was fixed up by 3:30pm.

Wet January

Our front lot is now a lake.

A few statistics: (from Astoria and everyone knows Oregon is drier!)

only 1 day of no rain- Jan. 24

some notable days-
Jan 5- 2.91
Jan 9-2.72

Today is the last day of the month and it is still raining. Posted by Picasa