#WAMerlot Taste and Tweet at The Shelburne Inn

Many of you know that I am pretty big on Twitter.  We had a fun event- it was organized by a wine industry tweeter - HERE is the story about the #WAMERLOT Tweet and Taste.

In brief, on March 25 between the hours of 5-7pm- people were asked to drink a Washington State Merlot and tweet about it using the hashtag #WAMerlot within the tweet.

(using the key words #wamerlot allows a search for just those tweets)

I approached David and Laurie at The Shelburne Inn... and they eagerly embraced the concept.  So on that day, I headed up the street with my laptop to tweet and taste.  AND JUST LOOK at the taste part!  Laurie even baked a yummy chocolate hazelnut cake that perfectly complimented the Washington Merlots.

David made an incredible wild mushroom chicken pate and the spread of fresh baked bread, artisan cheeses could be supplemented from their always fabulous menu.

We made our way through 10 pretty nice Washington Merlots... tweeting the winery and our impression of the wine.  We sent twitpics (photos on twitter) and I "live streamed" everything via webcam.  The live stream web site had a chat room and people from all over the world chatted with us via twitter or the video chat room - as if sitting in the cozy "Inglenook" of The Shelburne Inn with us. Some even called me directly on the cell phone - to join in the fun!

By the time the clock struck 7pm, we were just moving past the first wines and the wool spinner group from the Inn's lobby joined us. My husband (watching via video from his office a few blocks away) showed up and people from the dining room joined in.  Needless to say, two hours stretched into 4 fabulous hours of wine, food and technology talk.

I would encourage you to bring your laptop to The Shelburne Inn, find a cozy spot and curl up.  You can enjoy a cappuchino, glass of wine or just sip tea in the Historic Seaview Inn. (even their water is steeped in herbs and fruit - so refreshing)

Did you know that The Shelburne Inn was built by the same guy who did our house?  No wonder I feel "at home".

You can follow The Shelburne Inn on twitter HERE, read their blog HERE (with video and recipes) and they are on Facebook HERE.